No reform is possible unless some of the educated and the rich voluntarily accept the status of the poor, travel third, refuse to enjoy the amenities denied to the poor and, instead of taking avoidable hardships, discourtesies and injustice as a matter of course, fight for their removal.
Mahatma GandhiThere is nothing on earth that I would not give up, excepting of course, two things and two things only, truth and nonviolence.
Mahatma GandhiUnless nonviolence of the strong is really developed among us, there should be no thought of civil disobedience for Swaraj, whether within the states or in British India.
Mahatma GandhiThere is always the fear of self-righteousness possessing us, the fear of arrogating to ourselves a superiority that we do not possess.
Mahatma GandhiTo me, God is Truth and Love; God is ethics and morality: God is fearlessness. God is the source of Light and Life and yet He is above and beyond all these. God is conscience... He is a personal God to those who need His personal presence. He is embodied to those who need His touch. He is the purest essence. He simply is to those who have faith. He is all things to all men.
Mahatma Gandhi