We are seeing healing among the stolen generations, and initiatives which are enabling Indigenous people to make their distinctive contribution to our national life.
Malcolm FraserI think the climate is too important to say we are going to wait until all our economic woes are over before we act effectively.
Malcolm FraserSolutions will not be found while Indigenous people are treated as victims for whom someone else must find solutions.
Malcolm FraserHealth economists have estimated that an injection of $250 million per year in Indigenous clinical care, and $50 million in preventative care, is required to provide services at the same level as for any other group with the health conditions of Indigenous Australians.
Malcolm FraserReconciliation requires changes of heart and spirit, as well as social and economic change. It requires symbolic as well as practical action.
Malcolm FraserMost asylum seekers do get permanent visas, so the earlier they receive the appropriate help, the faster they will become part of the community. They'll get jobs and start paying taxes too. They will see Australia as a nation with a sense of care and concern. That's so important for a cohesive society. It helps build a sense of belonging. And in terms of common decency, it's what should be happening... For God's sake, this is Australia, people should be treated with decency and humanity.
Malcolm Fraser