Once you commit to something, you've got to commit the whole way. Try and make the best of it.
Malcolm McDowellI think we're all a little afraid of the dark. If you lived in the country, as I did, there's nothing quite like country dark, which was really black. And as a child, your imagination runs wild.
Malcolm McDowellLet's not get too precious about it: actors are not heart surgeons or brain surgeons. We are just entertaining people.
Malcolm McDowellI am a professional actor and I don't go about moralizing about what the character does. Otherwise, seriously, why be an actor? You're not making some kind of social statement. That's not what actors do. They may inadvertently do it, but it's because of the script, not the acting.
Malcolm McDowellI'd love to do radio plays. I think that one should be open to everything and shouldn't limit oneself. I particularly love theater, but with my family situation, it's much harder for me to do that now. I just love a challenge, and always have, and will do anything to make it interesting. I'll try anything, really, as long as it's a challenge and you can have some fun doing it. I think, honestly, having fun and keeping it fairly light are the key elements.
Malcolm McDowell