Whoever is standing up telling the white man that his position is unjust and that the black people should not have to wait for any Supreme Court, Congress or Senate to legislate, or even the president to issue any kind of - of a proclamation to better the condition of our people, if a N - if he - if a, if a Negro leader is standing up, making that point clear, then he's all right with us.
Malcolm XThe young whites, and blacks, too, are the only hope that America has, the rest of us have always been living in a lie.
Malcolm XMost of those Negroes have been given those jobs by the white political machine, and they serve no other function other than to, as window dressing.
Malcolm XWhereas the only real solution to the race problem in this country is a solution that involves individual self improvement and collective self improvement in, whereas our own, wherein our own people are concerned.
Malcolm X