It gives [a man] the incentive to develop his dormant potential so that when he becomes a part of the brotherhood of Islam, and is identified collectively in the brotherhood of Islam with the brothers in Islam, at the same time this also gives him the, it has the psychological effect of giving him the incentive as an individual to develop all of his dormant potential to its fullest extent.
Malcolm XHow can you thank a man for giving you what's already yours? How then can you thank him for giving you only part of what's already yours?
Malcolm XI find it difficult [to believe] that... Christians accuse [Black Muslims] of teaching racial supremacy or... hatred, because their own history and... teachings are filled with it.
Malcolm XThe Negro's so-called 'revolt' is merely an asking to be accepted into the existing system!
Malcolm XWe may disagree on methods [with Martin Luther King], but we don't have to argue all day on methods.
Malcolm X