The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us to get away from the devil as soon and as fast as we can.
Malcolm XOne of the main things that I read about it that appealed to me was in Islam a man is honored as a human being and not measured by the color of his skin.
Malcolm XI'm not going to sit at your table and watch you eat, with nothing on my plate, and call myself a diner. Sitting at the table doesn't make you a diner.
Malcolm XRacism is a human problem and a crime that is absolutely so ghastly that a person who is fighting racism is well within his rights to fight against it by any means necessary until it is eliminated.
Malcolm XWhere the really sincere white people have got to do their 'proving' of themselves is not among the black victims, but out on the battle lines of where America's racism really is - and that's in their own home communities.
Malcolm XWhen you mentioned something about self improvement, the implication is that the negro is something distinct or different, and, therefore, needs to learn how to improve himself. Negro leaders resent this being said, not because they don't know that it's true, but they're thinking, they're looking at it personally. They think that the implication is directed even at them, and that they, and they duck this responsibility.
Malcolm X