The black man in North America was economically sick and that was evident in one simple fact: as a consumer, he got less than his share, and as a producer gave least. The black American today shows us the perfect parasite image - the black tick under the delusion that he is progressing because he rides on the udder of the fat, three-stomached cow that is white America.
Malcolm XTo me, political action involves making the politician who represents us know that he either produces or he is out, and he's out one way or another.
Malcolm XLiberty or death was what brought about the freedom of whites in this country from the English.
Malcolm XIt has always been my belief that I, too, will die by violence. I have done all that I can to be prepared.
Malcolm X... Any county's moral strength, or its moral weakness, is quickly measurable by the street attire and attitude of its women - especially its young women. Wherever ... spiritual values have been submerged, if not destroyed, by an emphasis upon ... material things, invariably the women reflect it.
Malcolm X