Remember to think of your departed mother always as living, just away in another room of our Father's house.
Maltbie Davenport BabcockThis is my Father's world: O let me ne'er forget That though the wrong Seems oft so strong, God is the Ruler yet.
Maltbie Davenport BabcockIs not this steadfastness to mark, to make, the character of your lives? Is it not God's will that we should press steadily on to our goal in obedience to Him, in channels of His choosing, whether in sunshine or shadow, in the cheer of spring or in the chill of winter, neither detained by pleasure nor deterred by pain?
Maltbie Davenport BabcockI agree with you that the communion with the invisible saints must be more of a dream than a reality. But we have a right to dream dreams, if they are not contradicted by the evident laws of God's word, or God's world.
Maltbie Davenport BabcockThe world is God's workshop; the raw materials are His; the ideals and patterns are His; our hands are "the members of Christ," our reward His recognition. Blacksmith or banker, draughtsman or doctor, painter or preacher, servant or statesman, must work as unto the Lord, not merely making a living, but devoting a life. This makes life sacramental, turning its water into wine. This is twice blessed, blessing both the worker and the work.
Maltbie Davenport Babcock