On the other side, you have the conservative intelligentsia - magazines like National Review, which has a big anti-Trump issue; Weekly Standard editor, conservative talk show hosts - they're mounting a big anti-Trump effort, pro-Cruz effort because they think [Donald] Trump is dangerous and he's not qualified to be commander in chief.
Mara LiassonThe winner's margin of victory also matters. If it's a squeaker, that will make the lessons learned for both parties much murkier.
Mara LiassonDoes Donald Trump accept the results and concede graciously, pursue legal action, or tell his followers to take to the streets?
Mara LiassonI think that's why we see this mixed reaction - Republican congressional leaders like Paul Ryan speaking out very firmly, but Republican candidates not as much, with the exception of the candidates in the single digits like Jeb Bush or Lindsey Graham, who said how to make America great again tell - Donald Trump to go to hell.
Mara Liasson