I drank a second mouthful in which I find nothing more than in the first, then a third which gives me rather less than the second. It is time to stop; the potion is losing its magic.
Marcel ProustIt is a mistake to speak of a bad choice in love, since, as soon as a choice exists, it can only be bad.
Marcel ProustThose whose suffering is due to love are, as we say of certain invalids, their own physicians.
Marcel ProustI find very reasonable the Celtic belief that the souls of our dearly departed are trapped in some inferior being, in an animal, aplant, an inanimate object, indeed lost to us until the day, which for some never arrives, when we find that we pass near the tree, or come to possess the object which is their prison. Then they quiver, call us, and as soon as we have recognized them, the spell is broken. Freed by us, they have vanquished death and return to live with us.
Marcel Proust