It was a very unusual year [2015]. You usually don't have five campaigns operating full time in a state this late into the process, three states in. But I feel great that now that the choices have become less and less, more and more that new voter or alternative to Donald Trump vote, is going to coalesce around us.
Marco RubioThis president [Barack Obama] is undermining our military. This president is more interested in funding Planned Parenthood than in funding the military.
Marco RubioISIS is winning the propaganda war. They are recruiting people, including Americans, to join them, with the promise that they are joining this great apocalyptic movement that is going to defeat the West.
Marco RubioIf you're running to be president of the United States, you can't just tell people you're going to make America great again. I think you need to begin to explain exactly how you're going to do it policy-wise. We're not going to win a general election with a candidate that refuses to detail policy.
Marco RubioThat thought process that somehow other people have to be worse off in order for you to be better off does not work. People get on boats people jump fences to get away from that kind of thought process.
Marco RubioI respect the rights of those who do not share my beliefs...but to teach my faith to my children...and to share it with anyone who will listen...that is my right too!
Marco RubioIn Aleppo, Mr. Putin has directed his military to conduct a devastating campaign. He's targeted schools, markets, not just assisted Syrians in doing it, his military has targeted schools and markets and other civilian infrastructure. It's resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians.
Marco Rubio