Live not as though there were a thousand years ahead of you. Fate is at your elbow; make yourself good while life and power are still yours.
Marcus AureliusNature which governs the whole will soon change all things which you see, and out of their substance will make other things and again other things... in order that the world may be ever new.
Marcus AureliusRetire into thyself. The rational principle which rules has this nature, that it is content with itself when it does what is just, and so secures tranquility.
Marcus AureliusKeep in mind how fast things pass by and are gone - those that are now, and those to come. Existence flows past us like a river; the "what" is in constant flux, the "why" has a thousand variations. Nothing is stable, not even what's right here. The infinity of past and future gapes before us - a chasm whose depths we cannot see.
Marcus Aurelius