God values deeds according to their intentions. For it is said, "The Lord grant unto you according to your heart" (Ps. 19:5) ... Therefore, whoever wants to do something but can't is considered as having done it by God, who sees the intentions of our hearts. This applies to both good and evil deeds alike.
Marcus EremitaIn the spiritual life we can do nothing worthy without repentance, but the Lord has much mercy on us because of our intentions. He who compels himself and holds on to repentance until the end, even if he sins is saved because he compelled himself, for the Lord promised this in the Gospel.
Marcus EremitaOne who has sinned cannot escape retribution in any other way than by repentance corresponding to his sin.
Marcus EremitaConquer temptations by the patience and prayer. If you oppose them without these, you will fall all the more severely.
Marcus EremitaEvery sin that is left without repentance is a sin unto death, for which if even a saint shall pray, he shall not be heard.
Marcus Eremita