But if you should take the bond of goodwill out of the universe no house or city could stand, nor would even the tillage of the fields abide. If that statement is not clear, then you may understand how great is the power of friendship and of concord from a consideration of the results of enmity and disagreement. For what house is so strong, or what state so enduring that it cannot be utterly overthrown by animosities and division?
Marcus Tullius CiceroTo wonder at nothing when it happens, to consider nothing impossible before it has come to pass.
Marcus Tullius CiceroFriendship is not to be sought for its wages, but because its revenue consists entirely in the love which it implies.
Marcus Tullius CiceroVirtue is increased by the smile of approval; and the love of renown is the greatest incentive to honourable acts.
Marcus Tullius Cicero