Nature has circumscribed the field of life within small dimensions, but has left the field of glory unmeasured.
Marcus Tullius CiceroThe following passage is one of those cited by Copernicus himself in his preface to De Revolutionibus: "The Syracusan Hicetas, as Theophrastus asserts, holds the view that the heaven, sun, moon, stars, and in short all of the things on high are stationary, and that nothing in the world is in motion except the earth, which by revolving and twisting round its axis with extreme velocity produces all the same results as would be produced if the earth were stationary and the heaven in motion. . . ."
Marcus Tullius CiceroHistory is truely the witness of times past, the light of truth, the life of memory, the teacher of life, the messenger of antiquity.
Marcus Tullius Cicero