From food and water, then, we may learn whether sites are naturally unhealthy or healthy.
Marcus Vitruvius PollioArchitecture depends on Order, Arrangement, Eurythmy, Symmetry , Propriety , and Economy.
Marcus Vitruvius PollioNext I must tell about the machine of Ctesibius, which raises water to a height.
Marcus Vitruvius PollioNobody draws the light for covered wine rooms from the south or west, but rather from the north, since that quarter is never subject to change but is always constant and unshifting. So it is with granaries: grain exposed to the sun's course soon loses its good quality, and provisions and fruit, unless stored in a place unexposed to the sun's course, do not keep long.
Marcus Vitruvius PollioOf course, we need not be surprised if artistic excellence goes unrecognized on account of being unknown; but there should be the greatest indignation when, as often, good judges are flattered by the charm of social entertainments into an approbation which is a mere a pretence.
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio