The world was waiting to be full of discovery made(as a photographer) I could share the things I saw and would react to something all others might walk by.
Margaret Bourke-WhiteI was to discover that the quest for human understanding is a lifetime one that has no end in sight.
Margaret Bourke-WhiteAs photographers, we live through things so swiftly. All our experience and training is focused toward snatching off the highlights... That all significant perfect moment, so essential to capture, is often highly perishable. There may be little opportunity to probe deeper.
Margaret Bourke-WhiteBy some special graciousness of fate I am deposited - as all good photographers like to be - in the right place at the right time. Go into it as young as possible. Bring all the asset you have and play to win.
Margaret Bourke-WhiteThe element of discovery is very important. I don't repeat myself well. I want and need that stimulus of walking forward from one new world to another. There is something demoralizing about going back to a place to retake pictures. You can no longer see your subjects in a fresh eye; you keep comparing them with the pictures you hold in your memory. [The] world was full of discoveries waiting to be made...(as a photographer) I could share the things I saw and would react to something all others might walk by.
Margaret Bourke-White