... giving up alcohol or cigarettes is a lead-pipe cinch compared to the renunciation of complacence by a former (self-appointed) elite.
Margaret HalseyThe only way not to worry about the race problem is to be doing something about it yourself. When you are, natural human vanity makes you feel that now the thing is in good hands.
Margaret Halsey... the English think of an opinion as something which a decent person, if he has the misfortune to have one, does all he can to hide.
Margaret HalseyLiving in England, provincial England, must be like being married to a stupid but exquisitely beautiful wife.
Margaret HalseyLife itself, however, flows and is sequential and punishes those who try to compartmentalize it. Thus if, for any reason whatsoever, moral standards are conspicuously and unprecedentedly breached in one area of society, such as the political, it will follow as the night the day that those standards will start collapsing all down the line-in sports, entertainment, education, the armed forces, business and government.
Margaret Halsey