The people who say you are not facing reality actually mean that you are not facing their idea of reality
Margaret Halseythe psychological attitudes which are indispensable in the American market place are disastrous to family life. Family life ... requires yieldingness, generosity, sympathy, altruism, tenderness-all the qualities, in fact, which lead straight to bankruptcy. ... the American family is tragically out of gear with the profit structure which has mushroomed up around it.
Margaret Halseydemocracy produces both heroes and villains, but it differs from a fascist state in that it does not produce a hero who is a villain.
Margaret HalseyFolklore is a collection of ridiculous notions held by other people, but not by you and me.
Margaret HalseyAs one might expect in a society with mass communications and mass markets, the pseudo-ethic says that whatever is popular, is right. Where the traditional ethic derives its sanction from the superiority of a few, the pseudo-ethic derives its sanction from the inferiority of a great many. The pseudo-ethic is keyed, not to the spiritually gifted, but to the spiritually ungifted.
Margaret Halsey