With the exception of the few cases to be discussed in the next chapter, adolescence represented no period of crisis or stress, but was instead an orderly developing of a set of slowly maturing interests and activities.
Margaret MeadWhen I stand on a street in a Canadian city and look across the street, it couldn't be anywhere but Canada, but how can I prove it?
Margaret Meadthere are now no elders who know more than the young themselves about what the young are experiencing.
Margaret MeadEARTH DAY reminds the people of the world of the need for continuing care which is vital to Earth's safety.
Margaret MeadMany women, particularly young women, have claimed the right to use the most explicit sex terms, including extremely vulgar ones, in public as well as private. But it is men, far more than women, who have been liberated by this change. For now that women use these terms, men no longer need to watch their own language in the presence of women. But is this a gain for women?
Margaret Mead