We need every human gift and cannot afford to neglect any gift because of artificial barriers of sex or race or class or national origin.
Margaret MeadIn this country, some people start being miserable about growing old while they are still young.
Margaret MeadEarth Day is the first holy day which transcends all national borders, yet preserves all geographical integrities, spans mountains and oceans and time belts, and yet brings people all over the world into one resonating accord, is devoted to the preservation of the harmony in nature and yet draws upon the triumphs of technology, the measurement of time, and instantaneous communication through space.
Margaret MeadGrandparents are given a second chance to enjoy parenthood with fewer of its tribulations and anxieties.
Margaret MeadComing to terms with the rhythms of women's lives means coming to terms with life itself, accepting the imperatives of the body rather than the imperatives of an artificial, man-made, perhaps transcendentally beautiful civilization. Emphasis on the male work-rhythm is an emphasis on infinite possibilities; emphasis on the female rhythms is an emphasis on a defined pattern, on limitation.
Margaret Mead