Against the long years when family bonds make up all that is happiest in life, there must always be reckoned those moments of agitation and revolution, during which the bosom of a family is the most unrestful and disturbing place in existence.
Margaret OliphantThe ideal is the flower-garden of the mind, and very apt to run to weeds unless carefully tended.
Margaret OliphantFor everybody knows that it requires very little to satisfy the gentlemen, if a woman will only give her mind to it.
Margaret Oliphant... up to this date, I have never been shut up in a separate room, or hedged off with any observances. My study, all the study I have attained to, is the little 2nd drawing room where all the (feminine) life of the house goes on; and I don't think I have ever had two hours undisturbed (except at night, when everybody is in bed) during my whole literary life.
Margaret Oliphant