No one can doubt that there are times when an abortion is justifiable but they will become unnecessary when care is taken to prevent conception. This is the only cure for abortions.
Margaret SangerIt is apparent that nothing short of contraceptives can put an end to the horrors of abortion and infanticide.
Margaret SangerThe submission of her body without love or desire is degrading to the woman's finer sensibility, all the marriage certificates on earth to the contrary notwithstanding.
Margaret SangerMore children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief aim of birth control.
Margaret SangerIn passing, we should here recognize the difficulties presented by the idea of 'fit' and 'unfit.' Who is to decide this question? The grosser, the more obvious, the undeniably feeble-minded should, indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind. But among the writings of the representative Eugenists [sic], one cannot ignore the distinct middle-class bias that prevails.
Margaret Sanger