The submission of her body without love or desire is degrading to the woman's finer sensibility, all the marriage certificates on earth to the contrary notwithstanding.
Margaret SangerWhen motherhood becomes the fruit of a deep yearning, not the result of ignorance or accident, its children will become the foundation of a new race.
Margaret SangerOn the contrary, the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.
Margaret SangerDiplomats make it their business to conceal the facts, and politicians violently denounce the politicians of other countries.
Margaret SangerThe third group [of society] are those irresponsible and reckless ones having little regard for the consequences of their acts, or whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers. Many of this group are diseased, feeble-minded, and are of the pauper element dependent upon the normal and fit members of society for their support. There is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped.
Margaret Sanger