Parents, whether or not we believe in a deity, know that to witness a child's mind searching for meaning is a miracle.
Marge M. KennedyOur kids are not here to comfort us, to entertain us, or to validate us. Those things need to come from ourselves and from other adults.
Marge M. KennedyToo-broad questions, such as, "What's on your mind?" are apt to be answered "nothing" nearly one hundred percent of the time. Be careful of slipping into ""psycho-speak," however. Kids pick up instantly your attempt at being a pseudo-shrink. Most resent it and are apt to tune out anything that sounds like you're reading a script from the latest child-psychology text.
Marge M. KennedySingle parents in particular may have trouble maintaining themselves as authority figures because of underlying guilt; they feel acontinuing sense that they have deprived their kids of the second parent, and so they tend to give in to the children's requests, even when unreasonable.
Marge M. KennedyBoy meets girl. Boy marries girl. Boy and girl angst over which family they visit at Thanksgiving and which one in December and whether or not it's best to serve turkey or goose for the family feast. When first faced with the reality that the family you married into does things differently, the warmth of tradition can take on a chill.
Marge M. Kennedy