Finding yourself in a hole, at the bottom of a hole, in almost total solitude, and discovering that only writing can save you. To be without the slightest subject for a book, the slightest idea for a book, is to find yourself, once again, before a book. A vast emptiness. A possible book. Before nothing. Before something like living, naked writing, like something terrible, terrible to overcome.
Marguerite DurasTheir voices reach out into the empty yard, plunge deep into the hills, go right through the heart.
Marguerite DurasThe solitude of writing is a solitude without which writing could not be produced, or would crumble, drained bloodless by the search for something else to write.
Marguerite DurasI've forgotten the words with which to tell you. I knew them once, but I've forgotten them, and now I'm talking to you without them.
Marguerite Duras