The memory of most men is an abandoned cemetery where lie, unsung and unhonored, the dead whom they have ceased to cherish. Any lasting grief is reproof to their neglect.
Marguerite YourcenarThe world is big … May it please the One who perchance is to expand the human heart to life's full measure.
Marguerite YourcenarFor my part I have sought liberty more than power, and power only because it can lead to freedom. What interested me was not a philosophy of the free man (all who try that have proved tiresome), but a technique: I hoped to discover the hinge where our will meets and moves with destiny, and where discipline strengthens, instead of restraining, our nature.
Marguerite YourcenarMen who care passionately for women attach themselves at least as much to the temple and to the accessories of the cult as to their goddess herself.
Marguerite Yourcenar