By the age of three, the child has already laid down the foundations of his personality as a human being, and only then does he need the help of special scholastic influences. So great are the conquests he has made that one may well say: the child who goes to school at three is already a little man.
Maria MontessoriA child's character develops in accordance with the obstacles he has encountered... or the freedom favoring his development that he has enjoyed.
Maria MontessoriA humankind abandoned in its earlier formative stage becomes its own greatest threat to survival.
Maria MontessoriAn educational method that shall have liberty as its basis must intervene to help the child to a conquest of liberty. That is to say, his training must be such as shall help him to diminish as much as possible the social bonds which limit his activity.
Maria MontessoriIt is necessary, then, to give the child the possibility of developing according to the laws of his nature, so that he can become strong, and, having become strong, can do even more than we dared hope for him.
Maria Montessori