It takes time to get to the top, and that's good - because by the time you get there, you'll have learned what you need to know in order to stay there.
Maria ShriverWhen the world is so complicated, the simple gift of friendship is within all of our hands.
Maria ShriverNever think that someone else knows what's best for you. Trust your way and don't ask for so much advice. Learn how to be quiet and still enough to hear your own voice. It's up to you: Your voice will either be silenced or will get to roar.
Maria ShriverI was happy being a journalist. I didn't realize losing my job, my identity went with it.
Maria ShriverComparing how you feel on the inside (bad) to the way someone else looks on the outside (great) is a losing proposition. It's an impossible standard.
Maria ShriverNo matter who you are, what you've accomplished, what your financial situation is - when you're dealing with a parent with Alzheimer's, you yourself feel helpless. The parent can't work, can't live alone, and is totally dependent, like a toddler. As the disease unfolds, you don't know what to expect.
Maria Shriver