I think moral outrage is born not of anger but of love. It comes from the highest in us, not from a low-level sense of anger or cynicism.
Marianne WilliamsonThe enlightened world will be one in which everyone is in love with everyone all the time. We will see each other as God created us: as the perfect, loving, and lovable people we really are. The purpose of romantic love is to jump-start our enlightenment.
Marianne WilliamsonThere is an increasingly pervasive sense that one age is over and a new one is beginning - in business, in politics, in science, in psychology.
Marianne WilliamsonMy father's politics were old-fashioned in the sense that he used to say, all the time, "You've got to fight the system!" But my spiritual beliefs have led me to believe that the fight is the problem.
Marianne WilliamsonIt's been fascinating over the last few years, watching the high and mighty in business and politics fall precipitously-not because their plans didn't work, but because their character flaws undercut those plans. Whether the microphone caught them making racist comments or their greed overcame their common sense, who they were as people made all the difference-more than their résumés, their degrees, or even their past successes. If you fail at the art of being human and staying human, you recklessly court disaster.
Marianne Williamson