In the Kabbala, it says that we receive the light in order to impart the light, and thus we repair the world.
Marianne WilliamsonEvery relationship either gives energy to us or withholds energy from us, according to what we give to or withhold from it. And it's not only our behavior toward others, but our very thoughts about them, that builds and/ or destroys relationships.
Marianne WilliamsonWe can't look to the world to restore our worth; we're here to restore our worth to the world. The world outside us can reflect our glory, but it cannot create it. It cannot crown us. Only God can crown us, and he already has.
Marianne WilliamsonAchievement doesn't come from what we do, but from who we are. Our worldly power results from our personal power. Our career is an extension of our personality.
Marianne Williamson