My God, these Feeling types! ... Sensitive people are just tyrannical people - everybody else has to adapt to them.
Marie-Louise von FranzSynchronistic events constitute moments in which a 'cosmic' or 'greater' meaning becomes gradually conscious in an individual; generally it is a shaking experience.
Marie-Louise von FranzA human being in a neurotic state might very well be compared to a bewitched person, for people caught in a neurosis are apt to behave in a manner uncongenial and destructive towards themselves as well as others.
Marie-Louise von FranzNumber is therefore the most primitive instrument of bringing an unconscious awareness of order into consciousness.
Marie-Louise von FranzIn one African myth the word for God is even identical with skill and capacity. The Godhead is defined as that thing which appears in man as the mystery of an unusual skill or capacity. It is something divine, a spark of the divinity in him, not his own possession or achievement, but a miracle.
Marie-Louise von Franz