Before we choose our tools and technology, we must choose our dreams and values, for some technologies serve them, while others make them more unobtainable.
Marilyn Fergusononly that which is deeply felt can change us. Rational arguments alone cannot penetrate the layers of fear and conditioning that comprise our crippling belief system.
Marilyn FergusonThe difference between transformation by accident and transformation by a system is like the difference between lightning and a lamp. Both give illumination, but one is dangerous and unreliable, while the other is relatively safe, directed, available.
Marilyn FergusonThe most disturbing and wasteful emotions in modern life, next to fright, are those which are associated with the idea of blame, directed against the self or against others.
Marilyn FergusonThose who have most at stake in the old culture, or are most rigid in their beliefs, try to summon people back to the old ideas.'
Marilyn FergusonHealth and disease don't just happen to us. They are active processes issuing from inner harmony or disharmony, profoundly affected by our states of consciousness, our ability or inability to flow with experience. This recognition carries with it implicit responsibility and opportunity.
Marilyn Ferguson