I chose not to jump into the media frenzy and defend myself, though I was begged to be on every single TV show in existence. They want to blame entertainment? Isn't religion the first real entertainment? People dress up in costumes, sing songs and dedicate themselves in eternal fandom.
Marilyn MansonWhen I was a kid I think the thing I remembered most about The Exorcist was Linda Blair being possessed by the devil, and how scary that was. It had a lot of parallels for me because the movie was challenging different ideas about faith and it was looking at religion in a darker way. Growing up I was afraid of being possessed by the devil, as an adult I'm afraid of being possessed by the world, by ignorance, and not holding on to my beliefs and what I feel strongly about.
Marilyn MansonA lot of people don't want to make their own decisions. They're too scared. It's much easier to be told what to do.
Marilyn MansonTo me, Columbine is just as awful as Vietnam and it's just as awful as anything else.
Marilyn MansonThis is the culture you're raising your kids in. Don't be surprised if it blows up in your face.
Marilyn Manson