Be able to keep a secret or promise when you know in your heart that it is the right thing to do.
Marilyn vos SavantWorking in an office with an array of electronic devices is like trying to get something done at home with half a dozen small children around. The calls for attention are constant.
Marilyn vos SavantKnow the difference between principles based on right or wrong vs. principles based on personal gain, and consider the basis of your own principles.
Marilyn vos SavantI think one of the problems [with raising intelligent children] is compulsory schooling...and that children are sitting there and they are taught and told what to believe. They are passive from the very beginning, and one must be very, very aggressive intellectually to have a high IQ [...] the child is taught. Right from the beginning, it's a passive process. He or she sits there, and they simply try to believe everything they're told.
Marilyn vos Savant