Angela Merkel can't travel to any European country without being protected by hundreds of police. That is not brotherhood.
Marine Le PenOur political class no longer has any convictions. You can only pass along the beliefs that you hold. They no longer believe in France - they have a post-national worldview. I call them France-skeptics. That's why democracy is collapsing here in France.
Marine Le PenWhenever I hear people utter anti-German sentiments, I say: You can't blame Germany for defending its own interests.
Marine Le PenMy warning is: Be careful Angela Merkel. If you don't see the suffering that has been imposed on the rest of the European people, then Germany will make itself hated.
Marine Le PenEurope is war. Economic war. It is the increase of hostilities between the countries. Germans are denigrated as being cruel, the Greeks as fraudsters, the French as lazy. Ms. Merkel can't travel to any European country without being protected by hundreds of police. That is not brotherhood.
Marine Le Pen