It has always seemed somewhat paradoxical to me that we must constantly have the Lord command us to do those things which are for our own good. The Lord has said, 'He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.' (Matt. 10:39.) We lose our life by serving and lifting others. By so doing we experience the only true and lasting happiness. Service is not something we endure on this earth so we can earn the right to live in the celestial kingdom. Service is the very fiber of which an exalted life in the celestial kingdom is made.
Marion G. RomneyMy soul has made its greatest growth as I have been driven to my knees by adversity and affliction.
Marion G. RomneyThe prime duty of help to the poor by the Church is not to bring temporal relief to their needs, but salvation to their souls.
Marion G. RomneyReceiving the Holy Ghost is the therapy which effects forgiveness and heals the sin-sick soul.
Marion G. RomneyThis gospel has often been spoken of as a way of life. This however is not quite accurate. Consisting as it does of the principles and ordinances necessary to man's exaltation it is not just a way of life, it is the one and only way of life by which men may accomplish the full purpose of their mortality.
Marion G. Romney