It is amazing that our souls - our eternal essences, with all their hopes and dreams and visions of an eternal world - are contained within these temporal bodies. No wonder suffering is part of the human condition.
Marion WoodmanA life that is truly lived is constantly burning away the veils of illusion, gradually revealing the essence of the individual.
Marion WoodmanHaving a body that is like a musical instrument, open enough to be able to resonate, literally resonate with what is coming both from the inside and from the outside, so that one is able to surrender to powers greater than oneself.
Marion WoodmanThe images we eat are as important as the food we eat. Think of that in terms of television, and a lot of the movies we watch.
Marion WoodmanIf you are living for an ideal and driving yourself as hard as you can to be perfect - at your job or as a mother or as a perfect wife - you lose the natural, slow rythmn of life. There's a rushing, trying to attain the ideal; the slower pace of the beat of the earth, the state where you simply are, is forgotten
Marion Woodman