Of all things we mortals are called upon to do, the most difficult is forgiveness; in order to truly do it, you will probably have to behave as if you already have forgiven for quite a while before you have actually done so.
Marion Zimmer BradleyI should know, for I am Morgaine le Fay, priestess of the Isle of Avalon, where the ancient religion of the Mother Goddess is born.
Marion Zimmer BradleyAnd I must believe that man has the power to know the right, to choose between good and evil and know that his choice has made a difference.
Marion Zimmer BradleyThere's no "magic secret"; writing is like everything else; ten percent inspiration or talent, and ninety percent hard work. Persistence; keeping at it till you get there. As Agnes de Mille said, it means working every dayโbored, tired, weary, or with a fever of a hundred and two.
Marion Zimmer Bradley