It's really fun working on this Marvel movie [ Spiderman]. The essentials of Aunt May are that she's helped raise Spiderman and she's his moral compass.
Marisa TomeiNot to get overly psychological about this, but it's probably why I became an actress in the first place: for that kind of freedom and refuge, as well as for the fact that I just love acting so much.
Marisa TomeiI am really touched and surprised that your generation [of millenials] feels that way, and I'm really happy the work stands up. But that show [Seinfeld] is going to stand up for all time: it's one of the greatest things that has ever been written, and still speaks to the quirks of being a human being no matter what the era.
Marisa TomeiAunt May's values and Spiderman's traumas are kind of what's defined him as a young boy and now that he's becoming a young man, she's there to provide that safe place where he can still be a kid if he needs to be, or know that he has a home base as he's going through all these physical changes. So as long as those essentials are there, we can work on finding the character together.
Marisa Tomei