My brother became so enamored with that film [West Side Story], that he started taking tap-dancing lessons, and I followed him and started tap dancing, and my mother and father started tap dancing - I was in a class with my family, tap dancing!
Marisa TomeiWe play lots of roles in our lives, but I got to do that in one movie [Parental Guidance], and ride the feelings, and it was a good challenge for me.
Marisa TomeiI'm the luckiest women because I do get to spend a lot of time with Gloria Steinem , and not necessarily talking about the show [ HBO's Ms.] - but talking whatever she's working on, and going to events with her.
Marisa TomeiI've sought out several dance teachers-shaman-like women dance teachers-to get in touch with the mystical through movement.
Marisa Tomei