The queen's eyes smouldered. "I know my own kind when I see them, and right now there is one in these city walls." She pointed a finger toward the balcony."I want her found and brought to me." "Right," said Kai,"that'll be no problem in a city of two and a half million people. Let me just go dig out my special Lunar detector, and I'll get right on that.
Marissa MeyerIf you were a gentleman, you would offer to buy me one as well." "If you were a lady, you would have waited for me to make the offer.
Marissa MeyerShe briefly wished she did have some sort of magic so she could shoot a bolt of lightning through his head.
Marissa MeyerKai neared his desk again, seeing that the fugitive's profile had been transferred to the screen. His frown deepened. Perhaps not dangerous, but young and inarguably good-looking. His prison photo showed him flippantly winking at the camera. Kai hated him immediately.
Marissa Meyer