Whether this tale be true or false, none can tell, for none were there to witness it themselves.
Marjane SatrapiBusiness is very personal. For me, everything is extremely personal. With actors, the fact that I write helps, because when you say to an actor "Oh I want you to do it a little bit more ...," without saying what you want more of, then the actor doesn't know what to do. But if you can put into words exactly what you want, then the experience of writing is helpful with that.
Marjane SatrapiComics are just another medium to express yourself. It's not cinema; it's not literature; it's just something else. It has a specific requirement, which is that images are used to tell the story. There are lots of crappy movies, with guns and action and Arnold Schwarzenegger or whatever.
Marjane SatrapiMy mother always told me I had to do 100 times better than a man. I had to work hard at maths, and learn four languages.
Marjane Satrapi