No, I most certainly do not think advertising people are wonderful. I think they are horrible, and the worst menace to mankind, next to war; perhaps ahead of war. They stand for the material viewpoint, for the importance of possessions, of desire, of envy, of greed. And war comes from these things.
Marjorie Kinnan RawlingsPersonal publicity is apt to be dangerous to any writer's integrity; for the moment he begins to fancy himself as quite a person, a taint creeps into his work.
Marjorie Kinnan RawlingsFear is the most easily taught of all lessons, and the fight against terror, real or imagined, is perhaps the history of man's mind.
Marjorie Kinnan RawlingsYou can't change a man, no-ways. By the time his mummy turns him loose and he takes up with some innocent woman and marries her, he's what he is.
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings