no case of libel by a negro against a white would even reach a southern court.
Marjorie Kinnan RawlingsFear is the most easily taught of all lessons, and the fight against terror, real or imagined, is perhaps the history of man's mind.
Marjorie Kinnan RawlingsIt's very important to be just to other people. It takes years and years of living to learn that injustice against oneself is always unimportant.
Marjorie Kinnan RawlingsHemingway, damn his soul, makes everything he writes terrifically exciting (and incidentally makes all us second-raters seem positively adolescent) by the seemingly simple expedient of the iceberg principle - three-fourths of the substance under the surface. He comes closer that way to retaining the magic of the original, unexpressed idea or emotion, which is always more stirring than any words. But just try and do it!
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings