no case of libel by a negro against a white would even reach a southern court.
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlingspeople in general are totally unable to detach the personality of a writer from the products of his thinking.
Marjorie Kinnan RawlingsIt's very important to be just to other people. It takes years and years of living to learn that injustice against oneself is always unimportant.
Marjorie Kinnan RawlingsTwo elements enter into successful and happy gatherings at table. The food, whether simple or elaborate, must be carefully prepared; willingly prepared; imaginatively prepared. And the guests - friends, family or strangers - must be conscious of their welcome.
Marjorie Kinnan RawlingsWho owns Cross Creek? The red-birds, I think, more than I, for they will have their nests even in the face of delinquent mortgages..It seems to me that the earth may be borrowed, but not bought. It may be used, but not owned. It gives itself in response to love and tending, offers its sesonal flowering and fruiting. But we are tenants and not possessors, lovers, and not masters. Cross Creek belongs to the wind and the rain, to the sun and the seasons, to the cosmic secrecy of seed, and beyond all, to time..."
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings