He knew very well that love could be like the most beautiful singing, that it could make death inconsequential, that it existed in forms so pure and strong that it was capable of reordering the universe. He knew this, and that he lacked it, and yet as he stood in the courtyard of the Palazzo Venezia, watching diplomats file quietly out the gate, he was content, for he suspected that to command the profoundest love might in the end be far less beautiful a thing than to suffer its absence.
Mark HelprinThey gave themselves up to the stars the way swimmers can surrender to the waves, and the stars took them without resistance.
Mark HelprinAll great discoveries...are products as much of doubt as of certainty, and the two in opposition clear the air for marvelous accidents.
Mark HelprinI have a particular dislike of human pride. And if you think that you can engineer outcomes, that's a manifestation of pride. Among other things, it's impractical. It just doesn't work. The world doesn't work that way.
Mark Helprin