Getting to meet other artists that I admire is one of the best parts of my job. I don't know if I'd say "star struck" as much as excited to hear other peoples' ideas.
Mark HoppusIdeally, each week, I'd like to have rad, intelligent, creative, funny guests with different takes on the world of music. I will ask them all what their favorite blink-182 song is, and what they like best about me as a person.
Mark HoppusThen when we did the untitled record, we just didn't feel like putting joke stuff on it, so we didn't. It wasn't really a deliberation or a real introspective thing like, "Are we going to joke on this one, are we not going to joke on this one?" We just didn't feel like it on the untitled one, so we didn't.
Mark HoppusMake yourself do something stupid so when you really do something stupid you won't feel so bad
Mark Hoppus