Tyranny is abhorrent, freedom benefits all, whereas violence benefits no one for long.
Mark KingwellParadoxically, the problems of politics often arise not in the form of a problem of scarcity, but as one of abundance.
Mark KingwellDreams are evidence that we are creatures who produce more meaning than we can ourselves understand.
Mark KingwellWe don't know what the future will bring, but that's because we are ever in the process of creating it, not because it is an alien force to which we have to submit.
Mark KingwellNeiman's book is written with considerable flair, as many critics have already noted, but it possesses a far rarer and more valuable quality: moral seriousness. Her argument builds a powerful emotional force, a sense of deep inevitability. . . . It is not often that a work of such dark conclusions has felt so hopeful and brave.
Mark Kingwell