Marvel movies, are seeming slightly less exciting now that Star Wars has appeared and everything.
Mark MillarI think most people know the concept of difficult family situations. So I try to just ground a very big concept in something we can all relate to on some level.
Mark MillarWhat I wanted to do was drown something enormous, like a Star Trek or Star Wars kind of space opera-type thing, but actually make it about someone who was just married to the wrong guy, and that guy just happens to be this amazing dictator, and she has to get her kids as far away as possible from this guy. So something that could almost be a TV movie, if you'd ground it and set it in Wisconsin or something like that, but to give it this enormous setting.
Mark MillarAnytime something becomes a success in this way you always get imitators. I'm an imitator of the guys I love. I imitate people like Frank Miller, who is a huge inspiration to me.
Mark Millar